posted @ 2015年8月19日 04:11
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#include<cstdio> #include<cmath> #include<iostream> #include<cstring> #include<string> #include<algorithm> #include<queue> #include<functional> typedef long long ll; using namespace std; //#pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:1024000000,1024000000") const int N=500005; int fa[N],c[N],ch[N][2],x,n,i,idn,ans,root; void look(int i) { if (i==0) return; look(ch[i][0]); printf("%d ",c[i]); look(ch[i][1]); } void zag(int x) { int y=fa[x],z=fa[y]; ch[y][1]=ch[x][0]; fa[ch[y][1]]=y; ch[x][0]=y; fa[y]=x; fa[x]=z; if (z) if (ch[z][0]==y) ch[z][0]=x;else ch[z][1]=x; } void zig(int x) { int y=fa[x],z=fa[y]; ch[y][0]=ch[x][1]; fa[ch[y][0]]=y; ch[x][1]=y; fa[y]=x; fa[x]=z; if (z) if (ch[z][0]==y) ch[z][0]=x;else ch[z][1]=x; } void splay(int x) { while(fa[x]) { int y=fa[x],z=fa[y]; if (!z) if (ch[y][0]==x) zig(x);else zag(x); else { if (ch[z][0]==y) if (ch[y][0]==x) zig(y),zig(x); else zag(x),zig(x); else if (ch[y][0]==x) zig(x),zag(x); else zag(y),zag(x); } } root=x; } void ins(int x,int v) { int nxt; if (v<c[x]) nxt=0;else nxt=1; while(ch[x][nxt]) { x=ch[x][nxt]; if (v<c[x]) nxt=0;else nxt=1; } idn++; ch[x][nxt]=idn; fa[idn]=x; c[idn]=v; //look(1); splay(idn); //look(1); } int pre(int x) { int tmp=ch[x][0]; while(ch[tmp][1]) tmp=ch[tmp][1]; return c[tmp]; } int suc(int x) { int tmp=ch[x][1]; while(ch[tmp][0]) tmp=ch[tmp][0]; return c[tmp]; } int main() { scanf("%d",&n); idn=1,c[1]=-2000000000; root=1; ins(root,2000000000); for (i=1;i<=n;i++) { if (scanf("%d",&x)==-1) x=0; if (i==1) ans+=x,ins(root,x); else ins(root,x),ans+=min(x-pre(root),suc(root)-x); //look(root);printf("\n"); } printf("%d",ans); }
2022年8月06日 03:17
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