HDU 5052 树链剖分
#include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; const int N=50005; int a[N]; int base[N],vec[2*N],pre[2*N],tot; int id[N],rd[N],son[N],deep[N],size[N],fa[N],top[N]; int T; int n; void link(int x,int y) { vec[++tot]=y; pre[tot]=base[x]; base[x]=tot; } struct seg { int ma,mi,fl,fr; seg operator+(const seg &t)const { if (ma==-1) return t; if (t.ma==-1) return *this; int maa=max(ma,t.ma); int mii=min(mi,t.mi); int ffl=max(fl,t.fl); ffl=max(ffl,ma-t.mi); int ffr=max(fr,t.fr); ffr=max(ffr,t.ma-mi); return {maa,mii,ffl,ffr}; } void operator+=(const int t) { ma+=t; mi+=t; } }s[4*N]; int lazy[4*N]; void build(int i,int l,int r) { lazy[i]=0; if (l==r) { s[i]={a[rd[l]],a[rd[l]],0}; return; } int mid=(l+r)/2; build(i*2,l,mid); build(i*2+1,mid+1,r); s[i]=s[i*2]+s[i*2+1]; } void pd(int i) { if (lazy[i]) { lazy[i*2]+=lazy[i]; lazy[i*2+1]+=lazy[i]; s[i*2]+=lazy[i]; s[i*2+1]+=lazy[i]; lazy[i]=0; } } void add(int i,int l,int r,int x,int y,int z) { if (x<=l&&r<=y) { s[i]+=z; lazy[i]+=z; return; } pd(i); int mid=(l+r)/2; if (x<=mid) add(i*2,l,mid,x,y,z); if (y>mid) add(i*2+1,mid+1,r,x,y,z); s[i]=s[i*2]+s[i*2+1]; } seg get(int i,int l,int r,int x,int y) { if (x<=l&&r<=y) return s[i]; pd(i); int mid=(l+r)/2; seg tmp={-1,-1,-1,-1}; if (x<=mid) tmp=tmp+get(i*2,l,mid,x,y); if (y>mid) tmp=tmp+get(i*2+1,mid+1,r,x,y); return tmp; } void dfs1(int u,int d,int p) { fa[u]=p; deep[u]=d; son[u]=-1; size[u]=1; for (int now=base[u];now;now=pre[now]) { int v=vec[now]; if (v==p) continue; dfs1(v,d+1,u); size[u]+=size[v]; if (son[u]==-1||size[v]>size[son[u]]) son[u]=v; } } void dfs2(int u,int p) { top[u]=p; id[u]=++T; rd[T]=u; if (son[u]!=-1) dfs2(son[u],p); for (int now=base[u];now;now=pre[now]) { int v=vec[now]; if (v==fa[u]||v==son[u]) continue; dfs2(v,v); } } int lca(int x,int y) { int f1=top[x],f2=top[y]; while(f1!=f2) { if (deep[f1]<deep[f2]) swap(f1,f2),swap(x,y); x=fa[f1],f1=top[x]; } if (deep[x]<deep[y]) swap(x,y); return y; } seg getseg(int x,int LCA,int v) { seg tmp={-1,-1,-1,-1}; while(x!=LCA&&deep[top[x]]>deep[LCA]) { tmp=get(1,1,n,id[top[x]],id[x])+tmp; add(1,1,n,id[top[x]],id[x],v); x=fa[top[x]]; } tmp=get(1,1,n,id[LCA],id[x])+tmp; add(1,1,n,id[LCA],id[x],v); return tmp; } int solve(int x,int y,int v) { int LCA=lca(x,y); seg tmp1=getseg(x,LCA,v); add(1,1,n,id[LCA],id[LCA],-v); seg tmp2=getseg(y,LCA,v); int ans=max(tmp1.fl,tmp2.fr); ans=max(ans,tmp2.ma-tmp1.mi); return ans; } int main() { int t; scanf("%d",&t); while(t--) { scanf("%d",&n); for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) scanf("%d",&a[i]); for (int i=1;i<n;i++) { int x,y; scanf("%d%d",&x,&y); link(x,y); link(y,x); } dfs1(1,1,-1); dfs2(1,-1); build(1,1,n); int q; scanf("%d",&q); while(q--) { int x,y,v; scanf("%d%d%d",&x,&y,&v); printf("%d\n",solve(x,y,v)); } tot=T=0; for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) base[i]=0; } }
2022年11月09日 03:04
Quality education is a combination of a proper and effective education system. The Indian education department seeks to streamline and provide quality and improved education to all students in the country. Shaala Siddhi data entry The National Programme on School Standards and Evaluation NPSSE ensure the country’s education system is effective and in line with the student’s needs. The NPSSE offers comprehensive and inclusive school evaluation programmes to benefit all students.
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FSSAI identified the necessity for an overhaul, which resulted in the creation of a new application called the Food Safety and Compliance System (FoSCoS). During the implementation of FoSCoS, foscos the effort was made to ensure that the majority of its functionality and process flows are as similar to the FLRS program as practicable, while simultaneously making it more user delightful and optimizing its system performance.
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BSNL customer care number of each state regarding to BSNL services towards toll free and paid numbers which are accessed from own and other networks across the country. BSNL Customer Care The new digital era based support system contributing a lion’s sharing related to all telecom services, also find the new email address providing BSNL complaint process for payment failed issues for any digital payment service failure related issues like repayment.