HDU 5957 环套树+线段树维护bfs序
china-final F Mr. Panda and Fantastic Beasts (后缀自动机+字典序最小的最短路)


zjhl2 posted @ 2017年9月27日 01:35 in with tags 计算几何 , 811 阅读


using namespace std;
typedef long double lod;
typedef long long ll;
typedef long double ld;
const ld eps=1e-8;
const ld pi=acos(-1.0);
int sgn(ld x)
	if (x<-eps) return -1;
	if (x>eps) return 1;
	return 0;

struct P; //点,向量
struct LINE; //线段,射线,直线;
struct CIRCLE;
struct TRIANGLE;
struct POLYGON;

void kr(ld &x)
	double t; scanf("%lf",&t);
void kr(ll &x)
struct P
	lod x,y;
	void read()
		kr(x); kr(y);
    P operator+(const P &t)const
        return {x+t.x,y+t.y};
    P operator-(const P &t)const
        return {x-t.x,y-t.y};
    P operator*(ld t)const
    	return {x*t,y*t};
	P operator/(ld t)const
    	return {x/t,y/t};
    lod operator*(const P &t)const
        return x*t.y-y*t.x;
	} //叉积
    lod operator%(const P &t)const
        return x*t.x+y*t.y;
    } //点积
    bool operator<(const P &t)const
    	return sgn(x-t.x)<0||sgn(x-t.x)==0&&sgn(y-t.y)<0;
    bool operator==(const P &t)const
    	return sgn(x-t.x)==0&&sgn(y-t.y)==0;
    ld ang()const
    	return atan2(y,x);
    ld length()const
    	return sqrt(x*x+y*y);
	P rotate(const P &t,ld sita)const
		return {(x-t.x)*cos(sita)-(y-t.y)*sin(sita)+t.x,
	} //逆时针转sita
	ld btang(const P &t)const
		return acos( (*this%t)/length()/t.length() );
	} //向量夹角
	P midvec(const P &t)const
		return (*this)/length()+t/t.length();
	} //角平分向量

struct LINE
	P p1,p2;
	void read()
		p1.read(); p2.read();
        P midp=(p1+p2)/2;
        P v=p2-p1;
        return {midp,midp+v};
	} //中垂线
    bool have1(const P &p)const
    	return sgn( (p-p1)*(p-p2) )==0&&sgn( (p-p1)%(p-p2) )<=0;
    } //线段上有点
	bool have2(const P &p)const
    	return sgn( (p-p1)*(p-p2) )==0&&sgn( (p-p1)%(p2-p1) )>=0;
    } //射线上有点
	bool have3(const P &p)const
    	return sgn( (p-p1)*(p-p2) )==0;
    } //直线上有点
    lod areawith(const P &p)const
    	return abs( (p1-p)*(p2-p)/2 );
    } //线段和点围成面积
    P vecfrom(const P &p)const
		P v=(p2-p1);
		ld s1=(p1-p)*(p2-p);
		ld s2=v*(p2-p1);
		return v;
    P footfrom(const P &p)const
		P v=vecfrom(p);
		return p+v;
    } //点到直线垂足
    ld dis1from(const P &p)const
    	P foot=footfrom(p);
		if (have1(foot)) return (foot-p).length();
		return min( (p1-p).length(),(p2-p).length());
    ld dis2from(const P &p)const
    	P foot=footfrom(p);
		if (have2(foot)) return (foot-p).length();
		return (p1-p).length();
    ld dis3from(const P &p)const
		return vecfrom(p).length();
    P symP(const P &p)const
        P v=vecfrom(p);
        return p+v*2;
    } //点关于直线的对称点

	//1线段 2射线 3直线
	bool isct11(const LINE &L)const
		P a1=p1,a2=p2;
		P b1=L.p1,b2=L.p2;
		if (sgn( max(a1.x,a2.x)-min(b1.x,b2.x) )<0||
			sgn( max(b1.x,b2.x)-min(a1.x,a2.x) )<0||
			sgn( max(a1.y,a2.y)-min(b1.y,b2.y) )<0||
			sgn( max(b1.y,b2.y)-min(a1.y,a2.y) )<0)
				return 0;
		lod tmp1=(a2-a1)*(b1-a1);
		lod tmp2=(a2-a1)*(b2-a1);
		if (sgn(tmp1)<0&&sgn(tmp2)<0||sgn(tmp1)>0&&sgn(tmp2)>0) return 0;
		if (sgn(tmp1)<0&&sgn(tmp2)<0||sgn(tmp1)>0&&sgn(tmp2)>0) return 0;
		return 1;
	bool isct21(const LINE &L)const
		P v=p2-p1;
		P a=p1;
		P b1=L.p1,b2=L.p2;
		lod tmp1=v*(b1-a);
		lod tmp2=v*(b2-a);
		if (sgn(tmp1)<0&&sgn(tmp2)<0||sgn(tmp1)>0&&sgn(tmp2)>0) return 0;
		if (tmp1>tmp2) swap(b1,b2);
		if (sgn( (b1-a)*(b2-a) )>0) return 1;
		if (sgn( (b1-a)*(b2-a) )<0) return 0;
		return L.have1(a)||have2(b1)||have2(b2);
	bool isct31(const LINE &L)const
		P v=p2-p1;
		P a=p1;
		lod tmp1=v*(L.p1-a);
		lod tmp2=v*(L.p2-a);
		if (sgn(tmp1)<0&&sgn(tmp2)<0||sgn(tmp1)>0&&sgn(tmp2)>0) return 0;
		return 1;
	bool isct22(const LINE &L)const
		if (have2(L.p1)||L.have2(p1)) return 1;
		P v=vecfrom(L.p1);
		if (sgn( v%(L.p2-L.p1) )<=0) return 0;
		if (sgn( v%(p2-p1) )<=0) return 0;
		return 1;
	bool isct32(const LINE &L)const
		if (have3(L.p1)) return 1;
		P v=vecfrom(L.p1);
		if (sgn( v%(L.p2-L.p1) )<=0) return 0;
		return 1;
	bool isct33(const LINE &L)const
		if (have3(L.p1)) return 1;
		return sgn( (p2-p1)*(L.p2-L.p1) )!=0;

	ld dis33(const LINE &L)const
		return (L.p1-p1)*(L.p2-p1) / ( (p2-p1)*(L.p2-L.p1) )
				* (p2-p1).length();
	P isctPoint(const LINE &L)const
		ld len=dis33(L);
		P v=p2-p1;
		return p1+v*(len/v.length());


struct CIRCLE
	P cent;
	lod r;
	void read()
		cent.read(); kr(r);
	ld area()const
		return pi*r*r;
	bool have(const P &p)const
		return sgn( (p-cent).length()-r ) <=0;
	P LeftcutPoint(const P &p)const
		P v=p-cent;
        ld sita=acos(r/v.length());
        return cent+v;
	P RightcutPoint(const P &p)const
		P v=p-cent;
        ld sita=acos(r/v.length());
        return cent+v;
	bool isct3(const LINE &L)const
		return sgn(L.dis3from(cent)-r)<=0;
	P vecto(const LINE &L)const
		P v=L.p2-L.p1;
		if (sgn(v%(L.p1-cent))<0) v=v.rotate({0,0},pi);
		return v/v.length()*r;
	P LeftisctPoint(const LINE &L)const
		P v=vecto(L);
		ld d=L.dis3from(cent);
		ld sita=acos(d/r);
		return cent+v.rotate({0,0},sita);
	P RightisctPoint(const LINE &L)const
		P v=vecto(L);
		ld d=L.dis3from(cent);
		ld sita=acos(d/r);
		return cent+v.rotate({0,0},-sita);
	bool separate(const CIRCLE &C)const
		ld d=(cent-C.cent).length();
		return sgn(r+C.r-d)<=0;
	bool contain(const CIRCLE &C)const
		if (sgn(r-C.r)<0) return 0;
		ld d=(cent-C.cent).length();
		return sgn( d+C.r-r)<=0;
	ld isctarea(const CIRCLE &C)const
		if (separate(C)) return 0;
		if (contain(C)) return C.area();
		if (C.contain(*this)) return area();
		ld d=(cent-C.cent).length();
		ld ang1=acos( (r*r+d*d-C.r*C.r)/2/r/d );
		ld ang2=acos( (C.r*C.r+d*d-r*r)/2/C.r/d);
		return ang1*r*r+ang2*C.r*C.r

	P a[3];
	void read()
		for (int i=0;i<3;i++) a[i].read();
	ld area()const
		ld ret=0;
		for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
		return abs(ret);
	P center1()const
		return (a[0]+a[1]+a[2])/3;
	P center2()const
		LINE L1={a[0],a[1]};
		LINE L2={a[1],a[2]};
		return L1.midLINE().isctPoint(L2.midLINE());
	P center3()const
		P v0=(a[1]-a[0]).midvec(a[2]-a[0]);
		P v1=(a[0]-a[1]).midvec(a[2]-a[1]);
		LINE L1={a[0],a[0]+v0};
		LINE L2={a[1],a[1]+v1};
		return L1.isctPoint(L2);
	bool have(const P &p)const
		lod tmp1=0;
		for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
		lod tmp2=0;
		for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
			tmp2+=abs( (a[i]-p)*(a[(i+1)%2]-p) );
		return sgn(tmp1-tmp2)==0;
	bool isctLINE1(const LINE &L)const
		for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
			LINE R={a[i],a[(i+1)%3]};
			if (L.isct11(R)) return 1;
		return 0;
	bool isctLINE2(const LINE &L)const
		for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
			LINE R={a[i],a[(i+1)%3]};
			if (L.isct21(R)) return 1;
		return 0;
	bool isctLINE3(const LINE &L)const
		for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
			LINE R={a[i],a[(i+1)%3]};
			if (L.isct31(R)) return 1;
		return 0;
	P FirstisctPoint(const LINE &L)const;//与有向直线第一个交点
	P SecondisctPoint(const LINE &L)const;//与有向直线第二个交点

	bool isct(const TRIANGLE &TRI)const
		for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
			LINE L={a[i],a[(i+1)%3]};
			for (int j=0;j<3;j++)
				LINE R={TRI.a[j],TRI.a[(j+1)%3]};
				if (L.isct11(R)) return 1;
		return 0;
	bool contain(const TRIANGLE &TRI)const
		for (int j=0;j<3;j++)
			if (!have(TRI.a[j])) return 0;
		return 1;
	bool separate(const TRIANGLE &TRI)const
		return !isct(TRI)&&!contain(TRI)&&!TRI.contain(*this);
	ld isctarea(const TRIANGLE &TRI)const;

const int POLNUM=1005;
struct PL
	ld len;
	int v;
int top;
bool cmplen(const PL &a,const PL &b)
	return a.len<b.len;
P cent;
bool cmpang(const P &p1,const P &p2)
	int tmp=sgn( (p1-cent).ang() - (p2-cent).ang() );
	if (tmp!=0) return tmp<0;
	return (p1-cent).length() < (p2-cent).length();
struct POLYGON
	int n;
	void read(int k)
		for (int i=1;i<=k;i++) a[i].read();
	void ChangetoConvex()
		for (int i=2;i<=n;i++)
			if (a[i].x<a[1].x||a[i].x==a[1].x&&a[i].y<a[1].y)
		int top=2;
		for (int i=3;i<=n;i++)
				sgn((a[top]-a[top-1])*(a[i]-a[top]))<=0 )
	ld Clength()const
		ld ret=0;
		for (int i=2;i<=n;i++) ret+=(a[i]-a[i-1]).length();
		if (n>2) ret+=(a[1]-a[n]).length(); //防止n==2重复计算
		return ret;
	bool have(const P p)
		int k,d1,d2,wn=0;
		for (int i=1;i<=n;i++)
			LINE L={a[i-1],a[i]};
			if (L.have1(p)) return 1;
			k=sgn( (a[i]-a[i-1])*(p-a[i-1]) );
			d1=sgn( a[i-1].y-p.y );
			d2=sgn( a[i].y-p.y );
			if (k>0&&d1<=0&&d2>0) wn++;
			if (k<0&&d2<=0&&d1>0) wn--;
		return wn!=0;
	ld cutlength(const LINE &L)
		a[0]=a[n]; top=0;
		for (int i=1;i<=n;i++)
			LINE R={a[i-1],a[i]};
			lod s1=sgn( (L.p2-L.p1)*(R.p1-L.p1) );
			lod s2=sgn( (L.p2-L.p1)*(R.p2-L.p1) );
			if (s1<0&&s2<0||s1==0&&s2==0||s1>0&&s2>0) continue;
			if (s1<s2) stk[++top]={L.dis33(R),(s1!=0&&s2!=0?2:1)};
			else stk[++top]={L.dis33(R),(s1!=0&&s2!=0?-2:-1)};
		int cnt=0;
		ld ret=0;
		for (int i=1;i<=top;i++)
			if (cnt) ret+=stk[i].len-stk[i-1].len;
		return ret;
	bool isct(const POLYGON &POL)const
		for (int i=2;i<=n;i++)
			for (int j=2;j<=POL.n;j++)
				LINE L1={a[i-1],a[i]};
				LINE L2={POL.a[j-1],POL.a[j]};
				if (L1.isct11(L2)) return 1;
		return 0;
	ld isctarea(const POLYGON &POL)const;

P a,v,b;

bool solve()

	LINE L={a,a+v};
	P foot=L.footfrom(c.cent);
	if (c.have(foot)&&L.have2(foot))
		P p1=c.LeftisctPoint(L);
		P p2=c.RightisctPoint(L);
		P bc;
		if ((p1-a).length()<(p2-a).length()) bc=p1;
		else bc=p2;
		LINE R={c.cent,bc};
		P a2=R.symP(a);
		LINE L1={a,bc},L2={bc,a2};
		if (L1.have1(b)||L2.have2(b)) return 1;
		return 0;
	else return L.have2(b);
int main()
	int t; scanf("%d",&t);
	for (int cas=1;cas<=t;cas++)
		a.read(); v.read();
		printf("Case #%d: %s\n",cas,solve()?"Yes":"No");
onlinesbi.sbi 说:
2022年11月08日 22:11

SBT bank (State Bank of Travancore) was among Indian best and major banking facility established in 1945. The Bank’s headquartered in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. The State Bank of Travancore later merged with State bank of India SBI making a strong collaboration. The Bank offers different banking services to millions of customers in the country with over 15,000 branches. onlinesbi.sbi SBI bank has five major associates, one being the state bank of Travancore.

uidai address change 说:
2022年12月19日 00:51

Have you moved to a new city? Or recently changed your address? Don’t forget to change your Aadhaar with your new address. As a result, it is important that all of your data and details on the Aadhaar card be correct. uidai address change Otherwise, you may be unable to benefit from government schemes offered by Union & State Govt. If your address details have changed, you must apply for an Aadhaar Card Update immediately. There might be several reasons why you need to modify the address on your Aadhar card.

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